Shropshire Nature Gardens
Nature Gardens
Gardens are a special type of place, where nature and people come face to face and both in their home territories. By sharing these spaces together, we have a unique opportunity for connection.
The nature gardens project does two things – it uses a number of different techniques to help people enhance the wildlife networks going on right outside their doorstep.
And then it offers up several different ways we can connect with that nature – to nurture it, learn about it, learn from it and to simply enjoy being amongst it, a part of it, as we watch these natural networks gradually strengthen and grow, as our Nature Gardens mature.
In these times, where we’re faced with a biodiversity crisis, the climate crisis and now, an emerging mental health crisis, the Nature Gardens project gives everybody the chance to see and to experience the fact that through our efforts, we can have a really positive impact on our environment.
Learning to garden in this way – whether you are a beginner gardener or an experienced horticulturalist – is extremely rewarding, bringing ripples of positivity not just to our local wildlife, but to our own sense of well being.

Get involved
Whether you’d like to volunteer on any of our projects across Shropshire, or you have a little time to spare to volunteer with Zero Carbon Shropshire and support us with things like publicity, events, social media and administration, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Simply drop us a line and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.