Welcome to Zero Carbon Shropshire
Zero Carbon Shropshire is an action-driven partnership of local people and businesses, all dedicated to helping our county fight climate change. Together, we’re taking a co-ordinated, collaborative response to the climate and ecological crisis at local level.
aged 18-30?
The climate challenge
Human development since the industrial revolution has led to increased greenhouse gases which have caused a rapid increase in temperatures that now threatens life on earth.
Since the original UN climate change convention in 1992, CO2 loading has more than doubled and emissions are racing out of control. We’ve also doubled our use of resources and now consume over twice the sustainable resource use limit for life on the planet.
The destruction of the natural environment has wiped out more than half of life on Earth since 1970. We’ve lost soils, forests and wetlands that kept CO2 in check, further accelerating global heating. Compared to less developed nations, the footprint of the western world is huge – and the roots of the problem lie here in Shropshire, birthplace of the industrial revolution.
Our mission
Most of the technologies needed to combat climate change and reduce emissions are already available. What we need now is a practical plan and co-ordinated action.
The climate emergency requires each of us to act, now. As homeowners and business owners, we must all make changes to our lifestyles and understand why it’s necessary.
Here in Shropshire, we also have the opportunity to build economic success by adopting environmental technologies and sustainable goods that deliver a brighter future.
To meet this challenge, we’ve compiled a plan for achieving Net Zero by 2030, and you can read it here.
Our mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero and to protect Shropshire’s natural landscape through land use changes to stabilise carbon stores and absorb carbon.
But we can’t do this without your help, so we hope you’ll consider supporting us in whatever way you can.
Take action today
Whether you’re an individual looking for ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle or a business leader committed to reducing your impact on the environment, Zero Carbon Shropshire greatly welcomes your support. Sign the pledge today to help Shropshire move towards a clean, green future, and get our monthly newsletter full of interviews, events and practical ideas to live a low carbon life.
Aged 18-30?
Do something amazing today – join the movement of Generation Zero Carbon making a difference across Shropshire.

Connect with us
contact us
Say hello on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter or email admin@zerocarbonshropshire.org
green news
Sign the pledge to receive our jam-packed digital newsletter each month, bursting with tips, news, events and interviews.
have your say
Share ideas about what ZCS should be doing in Shropshire using the Commonplace interactive platform
Zero Carbon Shropshire is the brand name for the charity Shropshire Climate Action, registration number: 1196174
Make a donation
If you have a little spare and you’re able to make a donation to us today, we’d be tremendously grateful – every little helps us to spread the word, host events, continue campaigning and build the resources we need to reduce the impact of climate change on our wonderful county.